Give Yourself Permission to Say Yes

Have you sacrificed yourself in order to make others more comfortable or happy?

Have you given up pieces of yourself making yourself less important, molding into what is needed or expected by those around you? (Sometimes without even realizing you’re doing it?)

Do you find you continue to put off the things that feed and nourish your soul for one reason or another? Maybe you tell yourself that you’ll get to it someday , it’s just not the right time yet; or you make your hopes and dreams silly and unimportant; or you say you don’t know how to accomplish it so you stay in the small but comfortable box that’s been built around you; or you think it’s just not meant to be so you stop listening to the guidance; or you procrastinate with distractions because other things are more important.

You pretend that everything’s okay. You tell yourself you don’t NEED (fill in the blank). You do your best to look on the bright side. And all in all you think you SHOULD be happy.

But when you really get down to the truth and get really honest, you’re unhappy.

Something is missing.

You’re tired of taking care of everyone else, the obligations and responsibilities.

You’re exhausted, drained and frustrated.

You’re bored, anxious and depressed with day to day living and can’t wait for someday. Someday when things get better. Someday when you can (fill in the blank).

You long to be loved, nurtured and supported.

You desire passion, purpose and connection.

You crave freedom, happiness and expansion.

You yearn to feel fulfilled, know yourself intimately and to live your truth. Every single day.

Deep down you need change. You know this.

But you have no idea how to obtain it, or even what it looks like.

And you may even be a little scared. Scared of what change actually will look like. Scared of who and what you have to leave behind. Scared of what you will have to step into.

That’s okay.

The first step is to be honest with yourself and recognize what you are really feeling. Because too often we hide from our emotions and our truth.

The reality is, we don’t give ourselves permission to say YES to us.

Instead, ideas of how we “should” be have been passed down by society, religion, cultures and throughout our generational line keeping us stuck in fear, limitation and the need for outside approval. Our lives are being controlled by doubts, uncertainty, fears and what we believe is expected of us. When we allow this to win, we say no to our true callings, our true voice, our true way of being in the world. Not honoring or nourishing your soul leads to shrinking, giving your power away, confusion, depression, constriction, weight gain, and feelings of lack, limitations and unhappiness.

Limiting yourself because of relationships, fears, the way it always has been or the uncertainties is no longer okay anymore. You did not come to this beautiful planet to suffer or to live your life based on other people’s ideals, judgments or expectations. You came here to fully live your life. Your way. It’s time to reclaim that. Because you matter. Your happiness matters.

Only one thing is needed to reconnect to your soul’s wisdom, begin choosing happiness and living your truth.

Give yourself permission to say YES to YOU.

It’s the single most loving thing you can do.

To apply this in your daily life, simply choose one thing each day that is something YOU WANT to do, something you enjoy, something that fills you up, and DO it.

I’d love to hear all the places you've not allowed yourself to say YES. Email me what insights you've gained about yourself and what stops you from living the life your Soul is craving.

Would you like to receive more support and guidance in creating healthy boundaries, listening to your Soul and creating a life you love based in happiness and freedom? Schedule your free 30 minute complimentary consultation..


The Power of Gratitude