
 Discover, celebrate and understand Ancestral influences in your life

The Ancestors Within book by Amy Gillespie Dougherty and others

Our newest book

The Ancestors Within

Read the stories of 25 authors doing incredible work in the world and gain access to the tools they share to reveal and heal the ancient memories you carry.

Amy Gillespie Doughtery, founder of Irigenics, had a vision of helping people connect with their Ancestors. In a very short time, she brought together 25 amazing healers, visionaries, shamans, and guides to support you in accessing the memories of your Ancestors that you carry within you.

Now Available on Amazon!

​Read Crystal’s contribution to the book

Chapter 18
​Building a Relationship with Your Ancestors
Connecting with the Power of Your Ancient Bloodline to Heal Generational Trauma

By Crystal Rasmussen
Generational Healing® Teacher and Spiritual Guide

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Now Available

The Ancestors Within

Volume 2

Volume 2 of The Ancestors Within Series - Discover and Connect With your Ancient Origins.

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Now Available

The Ancestors Within

Volume 3

Volume 3 of The Ancestors Within Series - Recognize and Embrace the Gifts of your Origins.


Now Available

The Ancestors Within Journal

A Family Keepsake and Companion Guide


Now Available

Evolving On Purpose

Mindful Ancestors Paving the Way for Future Generations