The Power of Gratitude


Gratitude is a game changer. And here’s why.
People are bombarded with intense and painful emotions. Negativity, judgments, hurtful words and energy are being expressed radically on social media, in the news and daily life. Fears, sadness, worry, anger and a heap of other emotions flood our society. It’s hard not to become engrossed in all the things that are wrong in the world, with life, with relationships, with money, with health and everything in between.

The problem doesn’t lie in being aware in what is showing up. Because we NEED to be aware, but when we are more focused on the lack, the pain, the limitations or the fears then these energies grow. This leads to more anxiety, depression, stressed out and overwhelmed or can leave us completely detached from the emotional body aka feeling numb and disconnected.

This stops you from experiencing happiness. I’m speaking of a true happiness that radiates out into the world and touches every one you meet.

When you tap into the power of gratitude, your life suddenly expands. Colors seem brighter. People seem friendlier. Life in general is filled with synchronicities. You’re able to receive more. Positivity and the good in life is amplified. You experience a sense of freedom, relationship with everything around you and presence. Ultimately? You’re much happier.

Now, there is a bit of a secret to practicing gratitude in a way that is going to expand your life exponentially in a positive way.

It’s all in the FEELING and being PRESENT with the gratitude.

Sure, you can grab a notebook and write down a bunch of things you’re grateful for. But nothing’s really going to change within you or in your outer world because you haven’t tapped into your why.
Doing a practice that doesn’t have emotion behind it or is only saved for the “big” things in life will not allow you to grow and expand beyond your current reality in the way it’s intended.

To experience gratitude as a game changer in your life you must feel it through each and every cell …even if it’s just for a few moments.

The best way to do this is to take a few deep breaths, look around you and ask “What are you grateful for? WHY are you grateful for it?” This means digging deep, what does it add to your life? What would your life be without it?

It doesn’t have to be a grandiose thing or event. It can be the small things, people and places that bless us and support us in our everyday living.

Take for instance water. Have you ever thought about how it purifies and cleanses your physical body and heals your emotional body every time you take a shower? Or how it nourishes each and every cell of your body when you drink it?

How about your home that keeps you sheltered from the weather? With the heat to keep your body warm during the chilly winters? And the electricity that allows you to turn on a computer, read at night, or watch your favorite TV show?

Think about your vehicle and how it supports you in getting from point A to point B. Or the clothes you put on today that allow you to express your personality and share a bit of your authenticity.

How about your body? The ability to hold a phone, see the sunset, feel your feet in the dirt, having legs and knees that support you in walking, a heart that continues to beat, lungs to breathe air in and out keeping you alive, a voice to speak your truth?

How about the people in your life? Even if they are challenging, even if you have differences of opinions, even if you are stressed over their behaviors or actions. Pause, and look. What do you love about them? What lights you up and adds to your life? What are they teaching you? What is their gift to the world and you? They are each having their own experience, but you can still be grateful for them and their choices - fully.

Each and every thing is sacred. There is nothing too small or too great to be grateful for. Everything is changing. What may be here today, may not be here tomorrow. If you were to wake up tomorrow with only the things you were grateful for today, what would your life look like?

Again, here are the keys that will take your gratitude practice to another level.

  • FEEL the emotion of what you are grateful for.

  • BE PRESENT with it.


  • ALLOW it to be felt through each and every cell.

(Placing your hand on your heart and feeling the vibrational frequency the heart radiates can help.)

Over the next 7 days, I invite you into a space of experiencing gratitude in a whole new way.

Blessings abound from this state.


Self Care is Essential to your Well Being