How Consciously Choosing Can Set you Free


Are you yearning to make changes in your life, but struggle with bringing them into fruition?

Have you ever found yourself saying, “It’s just not meant to be”, or “I can’t do (fill in the blank with your desire) because (fill in reason a.k.a excuse of why not)”?

So you don't follow through, you procrastinate or you occupy yourself with distractions keeping you busy, but not actually making progress.

The choices you make today affect your tomorrow and your future. In truth, you are only one decision away from completely changing your life. When you become aware of what is really going on around you, conscious choice becomes available and sets you free.

Years ago I struggled with a crippling mindset that kept me stuck, depressed and fearful. You see, I felt that I didn’t have any choice….about anything. On some level, I believed that everything in my life was laid out for me. I thought I HAD to make decisions based on everyone else’s perceptions, ideas and what made them comfortable. I believed doing things out of the box was wrong and I would be judged or punished for it. So I stuck with what I "thought" was safe by doing what I "should" do.

Sound familiar?

Even though I thought I was choosing, I really wasn't choosing from a state of consciousness, let alone awareness. And certainly not from a place of empowerment, freedom or self-love. It was more of a habit, unconsciously doing the same thing over and over again, keeping me stuck in limitations and unhappiness.

It can be easy to get caught up in feeling like you don't have the power to change anything. Believing that this is just the way it is; what you truly desire will never happen and doubting every ounce of your own abilities. So you continue to do things exactly the way you always have, leaving you frustrated, stuck and depressed. Which spirals into disbelief in self, unfulfillment and confusion.

The thing is, you DO have the power to change your life. You've just been stuck in the illusion of what has already been set up for you. You've been locked in the same routine for so long you don't necessarily know what you are choosing. It's called a conditioned state. And much of the population suffers from it.

Let me tell you, all those years I felt I didn’t have choice…Nothing changed. Not really. I struggled. I resisted. I swam upstream without ever getting anywhere. I felt like I had been in a losing battle for years. I was exhausted. Nothing ever seemed to move into alignment – ever.

When I was in this state, t I didn’t really believe that anything could change BECAUSE of my choices. Boy was I wrong.

Everything is a choice.

Every single thing you do or don’t do; say or don’t say is a choice that you are making in the moment.

Each of those choices nourishes your soul and aligns with your values or it takes away from your dreams and leaves you emotionally pained or in a constant loop of mental chatter.

Once you begin to recognize exactly what you are choosing, you suddenly have the freedom to choose something else. It's empowering! And opens up new doors of possibility.

To begin understanding the choices you are making, why and if they are really feeding your soul set aside some time to really become aware of what you are choosing and why. An entire day is hugely beneficial, but if you only do this for a few hours you will amazed by what you learn about yourself, how you are responding or reacting to the world and people around you and will begin to unplug from the matrix.

Here's a simply exercise. You can simply state to yourself or get a journal and write it all down. (Highly recommended!)

  • Acknowledge and become aware of everything you do, say and feel. Then fill in the WHY. For example, I am choosing to put my socks on because my feet are cold and this pair feels soft and fuzzy. I am choosing to eat (fill in the blank) because I'm stressed out and feeling overwhelmed. I am choosing to feel happy because I enjoy spending quality time with my loved ones. I am choosing to go to work because I find fulfillment in what I do and enjoy connecting with co-workers. I am choosing to get on social media because I'm searching for connection and bored.

Understand the exercise?

Obviously you're choices and why's will be very different and true to who you are, what you believe, generational imprints, cultural, religious and society's conditions as well as your own personal life and values.

Becoming aware of what choices we ARE making in life and WHY we are making them, then allows you to make choices based in self love and freedom. Setting you free to live the life your Soul is craving!

Let me know what insights you've gained from this exercise. I'd love to hear from you!


Give Yourself Permission to Say Yes