The Truth about Fear

Fear is real. It can be debilitating. It can stop us from moving into our truth and the freedom we desire.
Fear controls us. It limits our choices. It is the deciding factor in how we live our lives.
It’s subtle. It’s painful. It’s constrictive. It’s full of anger and hurt.
The truth about fear is that it fears rejection.
Think about it. When fear overcomes you, you suddenly have a sense of being disliked or put down so you don’t speak your truth. You choose not to take that class or buy that special thing that calls to your Soul. You avoid completing projects. You procrastinate. You become angry. You take it out on other people. You allow it to make your choices.
It brings anxiety and depression. It sends us into a panic attack. It invites us to hide under the covers and avoid the world. It keeps us from stepping into our dreams and manifest our reality.
Fear keeps us in our comfort zone. Within that comfort zone comes an illusion of safety.
We believe that if fear arises within, then there is a reality to the fear which causes us to stop in our tracks and shrink again. It’s an emotional response, a past conditioning that leaves us confused, disappointed and full of anxiety and worry.
There is nothing wrong with having fear in your life. In fact, everyone is afraid of something. But when it interferes with the choices you make, then you have allowed fear to run your life instead of love.
The truth about fear is that it really simply desires to be loved and accepted.
Here are a few simple steps to ease the fear when it arises.

1) Breathe. The breath is a powerful ally. She can calm and ease your mind. She can bring you back into your body and connect you to the world around you.

2) Diffuse essential oils. Some of my favorite to diffuse are sandalwood, frankincense and wild orange. Not sure where to get some check out my website and get them delivered right to your door.

3) Acknowledge the fear. It may not seem like it should be that big of a deal, but there IS a reason for it. Recognizing that it exists allows you to see other options and move through the fear instead of stuffing it down.

These three steps will provide you with a powerful shift and bring you to a new awareness of what your truth is and when fear is running your life. When you find yourself avoiding something or someone, caught up in worry and anxiety practice these few steps and review the progress and clarity these exercises offer you.
I’d love to hear what you have experienced by doing these simple steps.
Want more guidance and support? Contact Crystal for a fifteen minute consultation to see where she can support you in discovering your truth and releasing the fear that holds you back in your life.


Live Like You Were Dying