Create Healthy Boundaries to Renew Your Spirit


Do you fall into bed each night physically exhausted, mentally drained and emotionally broken? Do you carry the weight of the world on her shoulders desperately trying to stay strong for everyone else, making sure everyone else’s needs are met before your own?

As you move through the days you juggle work, errands, family, friends and daily activities and chores with care and balance – making sure nothing falls through the cracks, yet find yourself never reaching your full potential in any area.

With such a loving spirit you desire to help both those struggling and loved ones by solving problems and trying to make everyone else happy; regardless of the sacrifice you make for yourself. On the outside it looks as though you have everything together. Your smile says to the world, “Everything is okay. I’ve got this”. Yet, inside don’t feel like that. You go through the daily motions just to get to the next step. The intense chaos within leaves you anxious, stressed and longing for peace. At times, you finds yourself wanting to withdraw from the world to regain a sense of yourself again, to discover the inspiration and happiness that was lost somewhere along the way.

You are living for other people and not honoring what you need in your life. Not even recognizing what those needs may be. Your energy is scattered as the mind is distracted with a million different responsibilities, obligations, have-tos and should’s.

Having healthy boundaries is an essential part of self-love. Creating these boundaries can not only renew your spirit, but bring both a sense of freedom and peace. When you are able to honor more of who you are and are not caught up in the daily activities of juggling everything for everyone else, your energy increases, you have clarity of mind, you experience peace and calmness and you are able to enjoy being present in the moment.

Here are a few simple steps to renew your spirit and create healthy boundaries.

1) Call your Energy Back. Sit quietly in lotus position or with your feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes and ask the pieces of you that you left with others, in other spaces or situations to come back to you. Visualize the golden sparks of your energy flying back to you and filling your entire being until all of your energy has returned to you.

2) Say No. Begin saying no to things and people that do not serve you. The word NO is a complete sentence. You do not need to explain or justify to others why you cannot do something with or for them.

3) Date Yourself. Set aside specific times for you every week to do something that you really want to do. What would you like to experience? What is going to nourish your soul? Go to a class, take a hike in nature, dance, get a massage.

4) Define what is important to you. What are your priorities? Why are they important to you? What do they offer you? Keep this written somewhere when something doesn't match your priorities you have the opportunity to say no.

If you would like to learn how to create healthier boundaries and desire to awaken, renew and expand your spirit, I invite you to schedule a 30 minute complimentary Soul Therapist Consultation

Crystal Rasmussen is a Certified Generational Healer™ Spiritual Guide & Licensed Soul Therapist who serves women who are stuck in fear and co-dependent relationships. She supports and guides others in awakening their authentic self, discovering their truth, tapping into their own heart wisdom, becoming empowered, and learning how to love themselves deeply.


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