How Courage can Change Your Reality
Where does fear control your life?
Learn to break free from fear to experience your Soul's desires.
You’ve heard the call; a rumbling from the depths of your Soul. There is more to life than what you are currently experiencing. Dreams and visions of what could be possible fill your fantasies.
As a seeker you’ve searched far and wide to discover more of who you are, to learn what your purpose is, to find the secret ingredient to happiness and to experience more freedom and serenity in your life, yet it seems that no matter what you do you can’t seem to get to the next level.
On your journey, you’ve tapped into a small inner voice that shares the experiences your Soul yearns to have. You may desire to travel to a sacred site, enroll in a class, study with a spiritual guide, take that leap and become a healer, move across the country, leave a relationship (or enter a new one), speak your truth from a space of love and compassion, or start a new business but something stops you. Your mind begins to fill with doubts, uncertainties and worries. Then you begin to feel ungrounded, scattered, uncertain, unworthy, confused and stuck. You don’t see how you could possibly achieve that goal, take that class, authentically express yourself, or expand your life to experience more freedom.
Excuses and reasons why it’s impossible for you fill your mind. This could look like saying you don’t have any money or time. It could be that you are trying to make others feel more comfortable, you fear being judged or rejected or you don’t know what the end result will look like. It could be a million other things you tell yourself. In this moment, you’ve settle for what’s good enough and the familiar instead of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Fear now controls your choices and how you experience your life. You’ve bought into the matrix of conditions, illusions and untruths.
Fear has been designed to control you. In each moment you have the choice to stay stuck or to choose something different and experience the life your Soul truly desires. The only thing you need to change your reality instantly is Courage.
One moment filled with courage to take that leap, move beyond the fear and commit to yourself alters the reality of your life forever. You suddenly become free. With this new found freedom, you have the ability to experience the life you have been saying you desire. You get to experience more of what your Soul wants for you. You discover your truth. Within that, you feel happy, peaceful, expanded and limitless. You become unstoppable.
Take a moment and ask yourself the following questions.
What have you wanted to do in your life, but not allowed yourself the opportunity to experience it?
What excuse or reason are you telling yourself?
How can you drop back into your heart space and follow the call?
If you had one moment of strength and courage to move beyond the fear, how would it change your reality?
Would you like more support on releasing the fears that stop you and embodying the courage to move beyond them? Schedule a 30 minute complimentary Soul Therapist Consultation with Crystal today.