Say Yes to You and Experience Freedom


How often do you find yourself emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted from living the life others have defined for you?

Since the moment you were born you have been conditioned to be agreeable and say yes to everyone else. You have been taught to please them, to live by THEIR rules and truths, to sacrifice your happiness for the sake of others, to put on a mask and pretend that everything is okay – even when it’s not.

If you refused, you were told you were being selfish and were made to feel guilty. You learned it was wrong to go against the grain, rock the boat, be the rebel or choose for you.

Over the years, you’ve lost touch with who you are, your desires, your dreams. You long to live your purpose, to experience freedom and happiness, but it feels so far out of reach that you don’t even know where to start.

So, you continue to pull up your bootstraps and do what is expected of you. You suffer in silence wishing you had the strength to stand up for yourself and speak your truth. You quietly wonder who you would be if you could choose for you instead of living by all of the expectations that have been placed upon you.

Most women have learned to put themselves last. They have been taught to put their own needs aside. Within that, ideas, passions, creativity and dreams have been overtaken by fear, responsibilities and supposed to’s.

The mere thought of doing something (anything) different is both exhilarating and terrifying. You wonder what life might be out there for you if you had the courage to take that leap beyond the fear, past the conditioned state of society’s expectations and truly began saying YES to you.

It’s time to connect to your authentic expression in the world and discover your happiness.

Today, I'm inviting you to a simple exercise that will allow you to say YES to you and bring you the experience of freedom; shifting and transforming your life dramatically.

For the next 3 days, stop automatically saying yes to others or taking on their responsibilities and start saying YES to YOU!

What does that look like?

For three days observe what your normal response is in each and every choice you make and why you are choosing it.

That means take a look at your day and ask yourself what did you do and WHY did you do it? Write it down in a journal to help you gain clarity and see the patterns begin to emerging. You may be surprised to learn what choices you are making aren’t serving you and allowing yourself to discover more of what your soul desires.

To expand on this exercise even more, every morning upon waking up greet the day with a smile and ask, " What will I choose for ME today?" And then, do it!

This simple daily exercise and question will shift the way you perceive your day and change the course of your actions.

Try it out and let me know how it goes.

Would you like more support in learning how to choose for you and experience more freedom in your life? Schedule a complimentary 30 minute Soul Therapist Consultation today.


How to create more Joy