7 Simple Key Steps to Self-Love

Women have been conditioned to serve others first. She has learned to put herself self-care last, leaving her feeling depleted, not good enough and confused.

Sacrificing her own needs and desires has led to people pleasing not only her family and close friends, but others as well. Resentment kicks in and she becomes angry; however she is unable to speak her truth and say NO. And when she does, the guilt overtakes her. She beats herself up, telling herself she should have, criticizing the way she handled the situation and herself.

Nurturing yourself is vital to experiencing life through a grateful heart and joy. When you begin honoring your mind, body and spirit with small rituals that support self-love, you feel alive again; you have a clear mind; and you experience peaceful fulfillment in your daily life.

Here are 7 simple key steps to self-love that you can begin taking today.

  1. Light a candle every morning - for you. As you ignite the flame, say a little prayer or a mantra such as “I choose to be happy.”; “Today, I choose to honor me.”

  2. Greet the day with Gratitude. Honor the sun for rising again, for feeding and nourishing the planet and the beings that reside here, including you. Remember that each moment, each breath is a gift and opportunity to enjoy the world and those you are in relationship with.

  3. Focus on your Breath. Bring your awareness to the inhale and exhale of your breathe. Notice how the air touches the inside of your nose and runs down filling up your heart area. Observe the rise and fall of your belly as you become still within notice the sensations within your body.

  4. Use Aromatherapy. It's been proven that the senses can alter the emotional state you're in while also offering you peace and serenity. Choose one of your favorite scents in the evening to help support you in relaxing and calming your mind. Lavender is excellent for this.

  5. Get outside. Spend at least 10 minutes out in nature. Enjoy watching the clouds morph into dragons and bunny rabbits, stick your feet in the sand and feel the dirt between your toes, touch a tree, or take a walk. Nature helps ground you and bring more balance into your life.

  6. Pause. When someone asks you to do something, let them know that you will check your schedule and get back to them. Over the next 24 hours allow yourself the space and time to check in with yourself to see how you truly feel about the request. Once you have clarity, you are able to honestly communicate and choose what is best for you.

  7. Date yourself. Yes. Spend a few hours with just you every week. Do something that you truly enjoy. Go to the spa, take yourself to the movie, go rollerblading, go star gazing, take a class. This is your time to do something just for you the nurtures your soul. Choose something that fills you up.

Let me know how these simple steps assist you by sending me an email to crystal@soultherapyschool.com.

Would you like more support in learning to love yourself and honoring you? Schedule your complimentary consultation today and let's connect.


Say Yes to You and Experience Freedom