Apprenticeship Training Now Open for Enrollment


The unseen world of energy is all around you, constantly communicating with you, affecting your emotions, thoughts, physical reality and ultimately your life choices. When you begin to understand how it is working with you and what is actually there, your life begins to shift, liberating you into a new paradigm.

Discovering TRUTH has always been one of my main goals in life, but I wasn’t always clear on what was happening underneath the surface. In fact, I spent countless days, nights and years confused and uncertain desperately searching for the truth and a way that I could interact with the unseen energies consciously.

I’ll be honest, my life was a mess. I felt like a sponge that took on everyone else’s problems, pains and suffering which left me drained, exhausted and overwhelmed. Even though I practiced shielding and other spiritual disciplines, other energies constantly affected me. I struggled with fear, unhealthy boundaries and a lack of trust in myself. Doubt played a big role in my daily life, as well as anxiety, inability to speak my truth, disempowerment and so many other things that I won’t get into in this article.

When I enrolled in the 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings ~ Apprenticeship Training I knew I finally found the missing pieces I’d been searching for. Through the exploration of each teaching, the truth began to reveal itself. Right before my eyes illusions, unhealthy patterns, fears, unconsciousness began falling away, allowing me to become more empowered, courageous and free.

Until one day, I felt confident in communicating with the unseen world of energy. That’s when my life changed. Drastically.

Have you been searching for something that will support you in discovering the missing pieces in your life and give you the clarity you need to step into your purpose in an even greater way? Do you long to awaken your spiritual gifts to embody your feminine power?

Then I would like to personally invite you to enroll in the 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings ~ Apprenticeship Training presented by the founder of Generational Healing™, Deborah Skye King and supported by me, Crystal Rasmussen, Licensed Generational Healer™ Teacher and Spiritual Guide.

First of all, I want to put your mind at ease and answer some of the questions I get asked on a regular basis.

“Can anyone do what you do?”
YES!!! The 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings is the foundational work that prepares you to receive the ancestors. Each teaching is an in-depth exploration into the unseen world of energy and is explained in a way that you will be able to grasp and embody within your own being. It is presented to you in a way that will allow you to receive the ancestors and is a pre-requisite for entering a Certified Generational Healing™ Retreat.

“What if I can’t turn my mind off enough to focus?“
Mental chaos and chatter is a real issue in today’s society. There is actually a teaching specifically geared towards this that supports you in eliminating the mental thoughts that keep you stuck in loops, unconscious behaviors and fears.

“I’m an empath. Will I take on the pain or be drained?”
Let’s face it, for sensitive empathic people like you it’s been a challenge to not take on another’s pain (whether it’s emotional, physical or mental). At times you may even feel like a sponge that is affected deeply by other’s energy, even with shielding and other practices you’ve learned. This is covered in the teachings as well. Learning to manage your own field and use your sensitivity as a superpower liberates you into observation mode and frees you from feeling drained, exhausted and overwhelmed.

“I don’t think I have gifts.”
Everyone has gifts. It’s actually a normal part of the human experience! Whether you’ve had experiences in your past or feel you lack the ability to connect to your intuition, the Apprenticeship Training supports you in awakening and expanding your own personal gifts so that you are able to receive information clearly in a way that is perfect for you.

“Do I need to know more such as meditation or other spiritual practices first? I feel like I need to prepare more.”
No. Each teaching is complete in sharing with you everything that you will need. It is not necessary to have a strong meditation background, or to have studied other spiritual practices before this. If you feel called to explore the teachings, I invite you to enroll. After all, that’s your Soul saying YES!!

“How will this help me?”
The 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings will awaken within you your own gifts. It will support you in understanding the world of energy, bringing you to a new awareness and consciousness of your own life. Ultimately discovering more of your own truth, expanding your wisdom and knowledge and embracing your own spiritual gifts.

“Why do I have to enroll in the 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings prior to the Generational Healing™ Retreat?”
The 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings is the foundational work that prepares you to receive the ancestors. Each teaching is an initiation into the Generational Healing™ work itself. The techniques offered are exponential in supporting you in the work and your daily life on a consistent basis. (Yes, I STILL use these techniques every single day.)

“What if I can’t afford it?”
Lack, scarcity and fear of not enough stops many people from following their dreams and listening to their intuition. Their soul says YES, but the mind immediately shuts it down eliminating the experience your soul is seeking. (This happens in so many areas!! Not just here.) Investing in yourself is a necessity. When you commit fully to having an experience, the Universe comes behind to support you. Every Single Time. It’s happened in my own life in more ways than I can count. Plus, I’ve watched others create miracles that catapulted them into a whole new reality. The question is, can you afford not to?

It’s time to awaken.

It’s time to be reborn.

It’s time to connect to your feminine power.

Enroll today in the Apprenticeship Training!

Read more about the 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings or set up a connection call with Crystal to discuss more in depth.


Honoring the Gift from our Family through the Pain