Becoming aware of one's spiritual gifts can be liberating and empowering. I know it can also feel scary as our world has had thousands of years of shutting women's most direct form of power, down.
It is important that you not only remember your spiritual gifts but live your everyday life being guided by them, listening to the wisdom that resides deep within you. This 13-week apprenticeship training delivers to you a direct approach to awakening, embodying and living from a place of truth, courage and inner spiritual self-reliance.
Understanding how the spirit within you operates, communicates and interacts with the physical world, should be taught in every primary school around the world. It is not. Leaving you confused and afraid of exposing your spiritual gifts in the world when others misread your intentions or are unaware of how sensitive you truly are to energies.
During your 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings Online Training, you will be going through an apprenticeship with the founder, Deborah Skye King to a place of recognizing your self-worth, becoming accepting of your uniqueness and embracing the love that dwells within you.
Learn how to work with the energies that are part of your everyday life to speak with confidence, trust your intuition and develop life skills that will anchor you firmly in your spiritual gifts.
Would you like to explore more of how you can develop and open up your spiritual gifts?
Gain the support you are seeking with 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings & Generational Healing®.Join the live 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings with founder of Generational Healing® starting May 11 at 7:30 pm eastern for 13 weeks.
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