Your Grandmothers Prayers are Still Protecting You


Reading the words “your Grandmothers prayers are still protecting you,” by Lalah Delia, suddenly my grandmothers from this lifetime flashed before my eyes. I felt their presence, their love, their devotion to wanting the best for me….and thenthe entire room filled with the love and caring of several grandmothers of the past. My heart was bursting with gratitude for the gift they were offering me. Unconditional Love. To the richest extent.

As tears began filling my eyes, I was called to begin a journey to learn the deeper message they wanted to convey to the world. I was immediately welcomed and embraced by grandmothers from my own heritage, grandmothers from other cultures, grandmothers of the earth communicating a message for all of us right now, “It is time to bridge the gap, to heal, to receive the messages we have to share. We see you suffering. We see you carrying the burdens of the past. We want you to know we are here to help you, to support you. We are here to free you from that which holds you back. Our prayers have brought you here. Let us guide you. Let us hold you. Much healing can take place across the generations, across the globe, across the cultures. We desire to bring more love, not fear. Meet us, welcome us, invite us. We are ready to share our stories and heal the pain. Are you?”

Before I left this sacred ceremonial space to return to this reality the ancestors showed me a beautiful light of love and protection they hold for each of their descendants stating how you are deeply loved…each of you.

You may not feel them. You may not know them. Heck, you may not have even liked them. (Because let’s face it, many of us struggle with difficult relationships with our families; including our parents, grandparents and siblings for various reasons.) But they are present, ready and willing to support you, guide you, communicate with you and offer profound healing.

We are not sperate from our ancestors. In fact, their stories, wisdom, emotions, strengths, challenges, and choices – all that they are; all that they were; runs through our blood. Each generation passing on both gifts and pain through the memory of the DNA that affects us in more ways than you may be aware of.

You know that sadness you feel, but can’t understand where it stems from? Or that knee or back pain that stays with you through days or nights? Or those thoughts that keep racing through your mind, yet there’s no reason why you would be caught up in that chatter? It could be a product of your ancestors past pain that you have been carrying since the moment of your birth.

Let me illustrate this in a different way that may help you gain more clarity into how connected we are to our ancestors.

While surfing social media I came across an image that speaks our genetic link to our grandmothers.

It states, “Did you know your grandmother carried part of you inside her womb? But how? Well, a female fetus is born with all the eggs she will ever have in her lifetime. So, when your grandmother was carrying your mother in her womb, you were a tiny egg in your mother’s ovaries. The three of you have been connected for a very long time.”

Let that sink in for a moment.

This is why healing your ancestral lineage is so important. You carry the wounds, emotional pain and beliefs from generations before. They continue to be passed down through your bloodline.

Because of this we need to be courageous, take responsibility and free ourselves, our ancestors and our future generations from the inherent trauma we carry within the memory of our cells. When we do, we can then begin to experience more light and happiness in our lives, more gifts and more of who we truly are; healing across generations. Leaving a ripple effect of transformation, love and freedom.

Book your Generational Healing™ session today by going to or email me directly at

The new world awaits. Free from the pain and suffering of the past.


A Mother Heals when Her Daughter Receives a Generational Healing™ Session during a Live Demonstration