Learn How to Stop Overthinking
Do your thoughts spiral out of control on a daily basis? Is your mind constantly filled with worry, doubt, or confusion? Do you find yourself playing out scenarios of what MIGHT happen? Or replaying the past over and over again?
Your mindset determines how you experience your life. If your mind is continuously on overdrive, looking for problems to solve, questioning what might or might not happen, wondering what others will think or is in uncertainty it can literally stop you from living the life your Soul desires.
Overthinking is one of the biggest obstacles people face in realizing their dreams. It creates fear. It stops you from choosing what you really want to do. It keeps you from speaking your truth. It keeps you stuck in the future or holding onto the past instead of fully living in the moment. It stops you from experiencing true happiness, peace and freedom in your life.
Have you ever wished you could just turn off your mind and stop overthinking?
Here are four simple steps to help you stop overthinking.
1) Meditate. Meditation is about letting go of all the thoughts that are controlling you and grounding your energy into your body. If you find it difficult to focus on your breath use a mantra that you repeat. Once you notice yourself no longer repeating the mantra, simply begin again. Or use a guided meditation. Start with 10 minutes and increase the time as you feel more comfortable.
2) Be Present. Becoming fully present in the moment paying attention to what is currently happening within and around you is another great way to get you out of your head. To do this, become aware of the sights, sounds, smells and sensations you are experiencing; even during the mundane tasks like washing the dishes, cooking or driving.
3) Ground. When you are grounded and fully in your body then your mind is able to stop wandering and you are able to experience more balance, security and ease. To do this, start by breathing in and out through your heart, then imagine yourself being anchored into the center of Mother Earth being fully supported by her.
4) Journal. Journaling helps release all the thoughts floating around in your head. It supports you in becoming aware of what thoughts and feelings you are unconsciously having and helps you gain clarity.