A Note for the Emotionally Sensitive Woman
You’re sensitive, empathic and feel deeply.
You want to help the world.
Yet, instead of leading a life you love, you spend your time simply trying to manage feelings of overwhelm, confusion and anxiety.
Most days you struggle with knowing which emotions, feelings and sensations are yours and what is someone else’s.
You can feel overloaded and burdened by too many energies in one place, making it difficult to be around people, in crowded places or in new environments, leaving you exhausted, stressed and apprehensive.
People may have commented on your sensitivity in the past telling you that you’re over reacting, imagining things, too sensitive or to just “get over it.” Leading you to believe there is something wrong with you.
In an attempt to stay safe, you hide, withdraw and isolate yourself. Eventually closing off your heart and disconnecting from your true self and the gifts you have to offer humanity and the Earth.
You don't have to continue to live like this.
The 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings ~ Apprenticeship Training presented online by Deborah Skye King teaches you how to use your sensitivity as a superpower. You will be able to set strong healthy boundaries so other people, environments and energies no longer control how you feel.
Take action today, your soul will thank you for doing so.